Use Restrictions #

« Legal documents and policies

Last Updated: February 3, 2021

Many people use our services, and in turn those people have many customers who register using our services. We are proud to be a part of this community but realise that we can be used as an amplifier: it can enable helpful causes and it can amplify harm. That’s why we’ve established this policy. If you have an account with Outer Circle, you can’t use it for any of the restricted purposes listed below. If we find out you are, we will take action.

Restricted Purposes #

We’ve outlined these restrictions to be clear about what we won’t stand for. That said, this list is by no means exhaustive. We will make changes over time.

How to report abuse #

See someone using Outer Circle for one of the restricted purposes? Let us know by emailing [email protected] and we will investigate. If you’re not 100% sure, report it anyway.

Please share as much as you are comfortable with about the account, the content or behavior you are reporting, and how you found it. Sending us a URL or screenshots is super helpful. If you need a secure file transfer, let us know and we will send you a link. We will not disclose your identity to anyone associated with the reported account.

Someone on our team will respond within one business day to let you know we’ve begun investigating. We will also let you know the outcome of our investigation (unless you ask us not to or we are not allowed to under law).

How we handle abusive usage #

When we discover potentially abusive use of our Services, we will investigate using the following guiding principles and process.

Guiding Principles #

Human oversight #

Who’s “we”, you ask? It’s us: folks from the Outer Circle team. Abuse cases are reviewed by the company founder. On rare occasions for particularly sensitive situations or if legally required, we may also seek counsel from external experts.

Balanced responsibilities #

We have an obligation to protect the privacy and safety of both our customers and the people reporting issues to us. We do our best to balance those responsibilities throughout the process.

Focus on evidence #

We base our decisions on the evidence available to us: what we see and hear account users say and do. We document what we observe and ask whether that observable evidence points to a restricted use.

Process #

Every case goes through the same general process:

  1. Discovery
  2. Investigation
  3. Decision, sometimes with right to an appeal

How do we discover potential abuse? #

From our experience, we learn about potential abuse because:

This list is not exhaustive; there are always edge cases. We will update the list if we find regular new avenues.

How do we investigate? #

We focus on the evidence:

We strive to balance privacy and safety for all those involved:

What happens if someone really broke the rules? #

We will terminate an account without advance notice if there is evidence it is being used for a restricted purpose that has, is, or will cause severe harm. If applicable, we will also report the incident to the appropriate authorities.

For other cases, we’ll take a case-by-case approach to clear things up.

Can you appeal a decision? #

If we terminate an account without notice, the decision is final.

For other cases, we will consider good faith appeals sent to [email protected] by the account owner within 14 calendar days.